Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
- He was England's most important dramatist since the Renaissance
- In 1882, Shaw's life changed with hearing a lecture by the American political theorist Henry George. It made Shaw read Karl Marx's "Das Kapital."
- This set Shaw to work on the problems of capitalist society.
- Shaw and his friends found the Fabian Society and then he worked on changing the British society for the rest of his life.
founded in 1883-1884 in London, having as its goal the establishment ot a
democratic socialist state in Great Britain. The Fabians put their faith
in evolutionary socialism rather than in revolution.The name of the
society derived from the Roman general Fabius cunctator,whose patient and
elusive tactics in avoiding pitched battles secured his ultimate over stronger
forces.It aims to promote greater equality of power, wealth, and opportunity,
the value of collective action and public service, liberty,human rights.
- Bernard Shaw thought that he could use the theater as a vehicle for serve his own idea.
He was only person to have been
awarded both a Nobel Prize in Literature and on Oscar, for his contributions to
literature and for his work on the film of his play Pygmalion.
PYGMALION // The source of the title
The myth of Pygmalion and Galatea
Pygmalion's title came from ancient Greek myth with the same name Pygmalion.
Pygmalion was a talented and famous sculptor who could find nothing good in
women and never fell in love with a women. He spent most of his days at home
sculpting beautiful things.
He resolved to live out his life
unmarried until he create his beautiful statue with an image of "perfect
His statue was so perfect that no
living being could possibly its equal and he fell in love with his own
He put clothes on it, gave it
jewelry and named it Galatea.Consequently at festival, he prayed to goddess of
beauty and love Aphrodite, that he might have the statue come to life.
When he reached home, he found that
his wish had been fullfilled then he wanted to marry his statue.
- Shaw's Pygmalion Professor Henry Higgings is the most renowned man of phonetics of his time. Higgings is also like Pygmalion view of woman-cynical and derogotary
Higgins says : " I find that
the moment that I let a women make friends with me, she becomes
jealous,exacting, suspicious and a damned nuisance."
In the myth, Pygmalion carved sth
beautiful and raw stone and gave it lafe. Shaw's Higgins takes a
"gutternipe", "squashed cabbage leaf" up out of the slums
and makes her into exquisite work of art.
Pygmalion is a play which
includes crucial values such as social-criticism, self-improvement,
humanitarian grounds. It reflects the social system of its era.
If Pygmalion is thought
as a social criticism, Bernard Shaw, tries to demonstrate us the segregation
between the upper class and the lower class people. That's kind of
hiearachy. Both Shaw's stage direction and expressions about lower class
apparently reveal the social discrimination. Additionally, there is a character
who reach his ideal state thanks to will of power, it emphasizes the
power of self improvement. Bernard Shaw as a socialist,criticizes the British
Society' circumstances. We witness Eliza Doolitle's self developmen in
process .By this respect we understand the frustration of human regarding
of their social class. Shaw prove us that the people havent got inferiorty
because of their inheritance, they are responsible for themselves throughout
their life and they have the capability of develeoping themselves properly. At
the beginning of the play Shaw displays us Liza is manipulated to grow up as a
lady just because of simple bet which come true due to Pickering
and Higginns' quarrel.
Also we are over
against the behaviour which scorn human's feeling and just exploit them as an
object for the sake of their personal satistaction.
Bernard Shaw , beginning
of the play named the character according to their jobs. Especially Lize is
given " flower girl" and her speech and peculiar language
display that she belongs to lower class . The nickname of flower girl lay
stress on the proper aim of the play in a sense.
Moreover , Shaw harshly
criticize the commercial system in those times. When Alfred Doolitle
, Liza's father, comes to stage , he consent to sell his daughter to Mr.
Higgins for the sake of gaining even 5 pounds. It is a bitter truthness
regardings of not to caring about their own family member for the aim of
gaining money.
The social dignity is one of the
stressed matters in this play. In the quarrel between Mrs. Higgins and Liza ,
she says social marriage is nothing better than the exchange of sex for the
money like what one sees among prostitutes. Liza indicates that an upper-class marriage
market as more degraded than her previous profession of selling flowers. Here
Shaws expresses the deepest condemnation of society. It can be understood that
Shaw frames Liza's words intentionally to draw attention about the pathetic
conditions of those times and the working class can and often do have more
dignity than the hypocritical segments of upper class.
Furthermore, Eliza's
final declaration of independence might have a political connotation . We can
deduce as a socialist, Bernard Shaw, founded Fabian Society to defend human's
right and protect people from oppression as a defender of human rights. Since
the beginning of the play, Shaw often bring up style of language an location
have been mentioned. The fact that English forced their language on the
Gaelic-speaking Irish, after invading Ireland , where we witness a male
forcibly teaching a female to speak.
As a conclusion, Shaw
tries to reveal the barrier's between classes arent natural and can be broken
down and if one want something by heart , ıt can come true ( Liza
). Shaw , in this play, comments on the capacity for the individual to overcome
the boundaries established by system of class and gender. The dominant
assumptions and expectations, may essentially prevent on individual from beginning
socially mobile withing a seemingly rigid hieararchical socail structure.